Soul, expressed.

That deep feeling inside that compels you to create. A book, movie, project, album, business venture or a new glorious chapter in the book of your life. It reveals a vision for your life that feels so big that you aren’t quite sure how it will happen.  You just know it will come with action and soulful guidance.

It demands your attention and lights up your very being.  You feel in flow and awe that you get to be the steward of this new creation.  It’s that connection to soul wisdom that seems to download at any moment.  It is covered with truth bumps.

Yet, most are not able to sustain this energy for very long.  They haven’t found that balance to be creative vessels while also living their best life. 

A life without pushing their body past its limits with sleepless nights.  Where they don’t have to experience anxiety, overwhelm, worry, doubt, or self-judgement as a way of subtly self-sabotaging their projects, themselves, and their soul.

Since 2008, I’ve been helping people transform their lives to answer that call of the soul.  For many, that meant re-invention.  The lawyer who was ready to become the author she was born to be.  The person who had a million-dollar business, yet found herself unfulfilled and exhausted, and needed to redesign her life. A high-achieving business owner who was seeking and achieving success, yet deep inside she was meant to start a family.  The former business owner who became CEO to transform an organization for a cause she totally believes in.

They, and others, have many things in common.  They care about people.  They know in their bones they were born to have an impact on the lives of others.  They act even when it’s scary.  They are trend setters and don’t do life like the majority.  They are committed to changing their inner game of old beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that previously kept them stuck.  They are learning to listen to their body’s wisdom instead of pushing until they are burned out.  They often put off their creative pursuits until they have enough time, and there never seems to be enough time.  They feel called to incorporate more soul-based practices into their lives.

I’m sure most of you reading this can relate.

We all teach what we most need to learn. Myself included. 

I have had massive re-inventions from being a university instructor for 25 years to a deep dive into shamanic practices, dreamwork, business building, money beliefs and so much more.  Something inside compelled me to continue.  It was an intense drive that many of my loved ones didn’t understand. These past 20 years, I have experienced tremendous highs and devastating lows.  I rarely knew where all this was leading me and needed to trust at unprecedented levels.  All I learned was in service to helping others re-invent aspects of their lives with more ease and grace.  I could never in my wildest dreams have predicted where I am now and the people who I have helped.  It has been so fulfilling.  

In 2019, I finally was given a vision of where I could go when I answered my soul’s deeper calling. It has been guiding me for the past 5 years and I found myself preparing along the way.  With the courses I took, the people I successfully helped, and so many more synchronicities that guided me to exactly what I needed.  My vision has become crystallized and clear.  It’s no longer about re-invention. 

Today, I’m writing to announce my new direction helping success-driven creative professionals who want to feel more inspired, uplifted and capable of full self-expression without burn-out, anxiety, or exhaustion. Who desire to live a fully soul-expressed life without apology or regret.   They want to get their best work out into the world consistently and have creative flow without sabotaging themselves, their work or their soul in the process.  They have a huge vision and want an easier way to get there and in less time.  

Eventually my website and visuals will reflect all this, but I wanted to let all of you know first. 

This is for authors, speakers, podcasters, actors, directors, entertainers, and creative business owners who seek concrete tangible results with a soul-based and practical approach.  Who want to make a bigger impact without sacrificing their life in the process.  

Many of them have come to me over the years contracting me for my guidance even when I officially had not chosen this direction.  It has been a wild ride getting here.

I’ve been so blessed to have been on this journey with many of you who have been reading this ezine for more than a decade. It’s my deepest hope that we can continue this journey.  Making your creative dreams made manifest.

Soul, expressed.

P.S.  It’s time to live your life fully soul expressed without apology or regret. What’s your next step?

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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