Take your most important creative projects across the finish line with less stress and in less time and with more personal mojo than you’ve ever experienced in your life.

Is this you?

  • Tired of sacrificing personal joy for professional gains?
  • Have a big picture vision that lights you up but you find yourself stalled, stonewalled, or just too slow to ramp it up?
  • Want to leap over those gremlins that keep holding you back?
  • Wish you could put projects into motion with more ease and less grind and hustle?
  • Struggle with creative blocks, time constraints, or burnout?
  • Need calm and perspective to bring your visions into concrete form?
  • Want to find a way to organize your creative process so it doesn’t overwhelm you?

It sounds like you need a soulful perspective that can quantum leap your results!

You’re a creative professional with a big vision for a creative project that always seems to take a backseat to life. It’s been going on for years and it’s time to see it manifest.

Maybe you’ve taken personal growth programs or read books to release blocks to help you become the best version of yourself as a creative.

Yet something is still missing, something you can’t figure out on your own.

Getting your creative project out into the world doesn’t have to be so agonizing! There is another way!

Imagine a future where:

  • You have a calm knowing and confidence around your creative process and are seeing your creative project out into the world.
  • You define success on your terms, without pushing your body to its limits.
  • You magnetize the right people, circumstances and resources to support your big picture vision.
  • You tap deeper wells of inspired creativity on demand and get more done.
  • You align your creative project with your busy schedule and have practical actions that move the needle forward on both.
  • You feel lit up, on purpose and in divine creative flow with your projects and your life.
  • You notice more joy and delight in life from simple daily encounters with others to big visions becoming manifest.
  • You no longer sacrifice your soul and personal life to see your creation out in the world.

It’s time to save months and possibly years to finally get your creative project across the finish line.

Monica Kenton’s enthusiasm for empowering people to tap into fresh sources of energy and inspiration is irresistible.  She is a wonderful teacher and motivational speaker who will help you to tap the power of dreams, synchronicity and imagination to grow a vision of life’s larger possibilities.  Her spirited but eminently practical approach will enliven your work and relationships.  Best of all she will help you find your bigger story and tell it so well that others will hear you.

Robert Moss
Author of “Conscious Dreaming” and “The Secret History of Dreaming”



What You Will Experience:

1 - Inner Alignment With Your Creative Project:

Upgrade your mental, physical, and spiritual operating system to reignite your creative process and align with your big picture vision.

Here’s what you can expect:  

  • Using the “STEP INTO YOUR FUTURE SELF NOW” process you will craft a resolute commitment to your future vision, transforming it from a mere possibility to an inevitable reality, infused with bold confidence.
  • Gracefully release unconscious and deeply embedded beliefs, ideas and habits that no longer serve your aspirations, so that your most cherished goals have space to thrive.
  • Banish anxiety, overwhelm, self-doubt, judgment, or old fears so you feel focused, energized, and fully present.

2 - Amp Up Your Energy:

Establish new soulful rituals and practices to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul while saving 1-3 hours a day.

Here’s What You Can Expect:

  • Elevate your self-care routine to a sacred ritual so that you can recharge your creative energy whenever and wherever.
  • Shield yourself from the unwanted energy of others while strengthening your energetic and personal boundaries. 
  • You will notice people around you cooperating more.

3 - Creative Flow:

Feel the flow of pure unbridled creativity with new techniques and tools that access the heartbeat of your creations in less time. 

Here’s What You Can Expect:

  • Decode daily synchronicities which spark new ideas and keep you in flow.
  • Access creativity on demand through curated journeys, visualizations and techniques.
  • Redefine your creative rhythm without pushing your body to its limits.

4 - Creative Power:

Consistently operate at peak levels of creativity while maintaining life balance.

Here’s what you can expect:  

  • Learn new techniques to access universal flow and divine wisdom so that you can easily generate inspired ideas and thoughts in the moment – without burn-out
  • Journey to your Creative Muse for fresh insights and new perspectives.
  • Uncover gifts from your ancestral lineage to unlock greater depth and wisdom in your creative process (and understand your creative drive).

5 - Outer Alignment to Accelerate Your Success:

Attract new support, opportunities, and collaborations to propel your grand creative vision to the next level. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Identify and transcend any upper limits to move from “I can’t” to “How can I?”
  • Expand your energy field to attract divinely guided collaborations and partnerships – and recognize them when they show up!
  • Experience a career breakthrough that feels like a miracle you didn’t anticipate.
  • Refine the spiritual tools and gifts you have acquired to turbo charge your path forward.

6 - Celebrate:

Celebrate your success with a closing ritual that forms the blueprint and sets the stage for your many future successes and creative endeavors.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Claim your new creative identity and write your new story.
  • Allow all that you have mastered to become your “operating plan” as you strive for greater levels of creative endeavors.

Grab your journal, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride filled with rapid change and life-shifting breakthroughs.  Monica Kenton’s active dreaming adventures help you mine your dreams for psychic gold and guidance.  This woman is a modern-day seer.  Her insights into symbols and signs are uncanny.  Monica is pure practical magic.  She’ll hold the space so skillfully you’ll get mind-blowing, soul-shaking revelations and crystal-clear directions to get you to your goals with warp speed.  Plus, the experience will be a carnival of joy.

Rachel Resnick
LA Times bestselling author, SOAR – Story to Scale Academy

What’s Included in this Mentoring Program:

* Eighteen one-hour private coaching calls over a period of nine months with focused attention on what you need at the moment.

* Call Replays: Review any information, at your convenience, to reinforce any point you want to anchor to help move you forward quickly and purposefully.

* Email access:  Between calls, have your most pressing questions answered to continue forward momentum.

* Numerology report:  Gain insight into your soul’s blueprint to reveal the preferences and desires of your authentic self, which will help you identify potential pitfalls and challenges so that you stay in your gifts and in flow with life and your projects.


Your Creative Passport: Three additional one-hour coaching calls for integration, a creative project deep dive or further expansion. Redeem at any time during the program. One may be used up to one month after the program ends.

Let’s not wait one more minute to get your creative project out into the world.

What if your creative project is the key to your future success?

How would achieving it change your world?

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from other programs out there?

This is not your run of the mill coaching program.  This is a deeply explorative process specifically designed for Creatives, where we tap into your highest creative potential. We uncover opportunities you may have overlooked, disregarded or felt weren’t important. In retrospect, you will see how it has a huge outcome on what you can create.  We find the absolute best path for you to be creatively self-expressed at the highest level so that you can get your work out into the world helping others.

Monica helps you open channels and pathways to your creativity that you may have unconsciously closed years ago, and which may be the key to unlocking your full creative potential. This combines the best of soul based energetic work with concrete action strategies that helps you get more done in less time – and with more joy and less stress. 

What makes this program and process different and consistently effective: Through shamanic energy clearings, journeys and visualization techniques, you will easily identify old triggers and neutralize them, powerfully disentangle old family dramas or ancestral ties that have held you back, and blast through limiting beliefs. You will create a new belief system that is so rock solid, you will pave the way for unparalleled success and fulfillment in both life and business.

What happens on a coaching call?

As you follow the proven steps of this process, Monica customizes each call with techniques, tips, energy clearings, visualizations (journeys) and strategies pertinent to your situation. Ideas, beliefs, patterns, and energies that have unconsciously kept you stuck for ages will easily be revealed, transformed, and replaced with life enhancing actions that fit your circumstance and your path. You will leave each session refreshed and energized with concrete and actionable soul inspired actions that move the needle forward in life and with your creative vision.

I feel I don’t have time and need to wait?

Maybe you think you should wait.  I have seen over and over that the main issue why we feel we cannot get started is the exact reason we need to.  How long have you been thinking about this project?  Will it be waiting for you once you “find the time.”  In this program we deal with all the ways you don’t have time, and create more time and space in your schedule to do what you do best – create.  Also, calls are scheduled in a way that works with your specific schedule.  

I don’t know a lot about energy and I'm not sure if this mentoring is for me?

You don’t need to know a lot about energetic concepts to receive the transformation from this program.  That’s what I’m here for.  Just come to the sessions with a healthy curiosity and a willingness to embrace new ideas, and it will shortcut the time it takes to get to the success you desire and envision. You will find yourself enjoying it more than you thought. 

Monica is a powerful coach and shaman who encourages and inspires you to become the best version of yourself possible and to know that nothing is ever impossible.  I am amazed at the shifts and leaps I make during our sessions together.  She doesn’t just hold the vision for your best life – she shows you the exact path to walk to get there.

Hannah Gold
Award winning author of “The Last Bear”, “The Lost Whale”, and “Finding Bear”

Meet Your Mentor

Monica is a spiritual and energy guide, shamanic practitioner, and dream teacher for creative professionals and entrepreneurs. For the past seventeen years Monica has been helping overworked creatives and entrepreneurs who crave more balance, joy, and fulfillment to create their own personalized spiritual roadmap for work and life that results in more freedom and time to do what truly matters.  She helps them find time in their busy schedules to listen to their inner guidance to make better choices to manifest the life they actually wanted and get their creative projects out into the world.

In her late thirties she found herself facing a personal life crisis and was awakened to new spiritual concepts and ideas.  As she pursued that path, she eventually left her big University career of 21 years as a Spanish instructor and Supervisor of the Second Year Spanish Language Program, and created her own business.

Since 2000 Monica has spent 20,000+ hours in her own spiritual training and healing.  She has done extensive work in various modalities from reiki master training, sound healing, creative arts, and a host of other work.  In 2008, she completed the shamanic training program with the Four Winds and trained with the Peruvian shamans.  She completed numerology training and has actively used it daily for the past 12 years with clients and in numerous programs.

She has trained with international dream shaman Robert Moss in his 3 year intensive Active Dream Teacher Training (aka shamanic dream teacher training).  She has worked with dreams for over 20 years as a direct source to creative soul wisdom.  In 2011, she immersed herself for three years in everything business and money to bridge the world of spirituality and business.  This eclectic mix of programs and teachings is the basis of her signature work with others, and why many call her a practical mystic who helps bring more fun and creativity into spiritual wisdom.  They continue to return because of the life changing results they experience. Through her caring, grounded, trusted and inspirational approach, clients have reclaimed the creative power over their lives while trusting their intuition implicitly and rebuilding a significantly improved version of their life.

With her infectious joy of pom poms, love of acting, and talking with invisible guides in her favorite café, she has the ability to show others how to make life fun again and be less serious about personal transformation.  Her innovative out of the box approach appeals to those who have never tended to do life like the majority. She is a big action taker and believes in grounding spiritual principles to create stunning results in life and all creative endeavors.

Working with Monica has not only been a joy but a total game-changer. I struggled to find the most meaningful work and to navigate the challenges that come from working at a high-level in non-profits. Her wise counsel has set me up for success as I juggle a demanding career and strive to honour my creativity and find the balance that helps me to thrive.

Heidi Nicholl

Let’s not wait one more minute to get your creative project out into the world.

What others are saying…

I was tired of looking outward for answers and wanted guidance in how to reconnect to myself. My intention was to connect with my Higher Self, my Deeper Wisdom, my Soul.  Monica’s coaching calls were always powerful reminders of who I am in a big way, not in my little ego way. She helped me tune in to my bigger picture. She shared seemingly simple practices which were profound in overcoming fear and obstacles. It always orients me to the right path and right approach. I am now back to my daily meditation and to journaling – from my Higher Self, not from my petty day-day. I have committed to a big dream that I have. With Monica’s support, I was able to take it seriously and to take steps toward making it real. I feel so much more daily joy, confidence and trust in my future.

Cynthia Morris
Author and Co-Active Writing Coach at Original Impulse

Monica is a gifted compassionate teacher and ally to have in your corner along the way of living life and business. As a practical mystic she helps you find the essence of your dream so you can manifest things in real time.  Have a cutting-edge idea? Through her guidance she helps you see through the eyes of your heart, so you can dream that heart wisdom into the world in a tangible joyful way.

Michele Grace Lessirard
Shamanic teacher and astrologer

I greatly enjoy what I do for a living and make excellent money, but my dream is to help more people in a greater way, and I knew she could help me gain clarity and create a plan. She patiently supported me as I worked through a series of personal challenges.  After a couple of sessions, that energy released and created the space to begin moving forward with my dreams.

By the end of the program, my personal challenges were resolved, I was able to open more doors at my day job, and I created a step-by-step plan to bring my big picture vision to life.  By the end of our coaching, I had completed a book, which is the first cornerstone in the foundation of my next professional adventure.  It launched a few weeks after our coaching ended.

Paulie Skaja

Bohemian Lights opened up a deeper belief in our connectivity.  That everything and everyone is a message and a reflection of our co-creative energies.  I believe in that already, but this program and the creative tools reinforced it.  This program was a very fun thing to do, yet it went deeper than that.  I could feel I was releasing an old operating system while bringing in new information through the work to inform my new operating system.  I am letting my life and business be guided and informed by it. It was powerful to be in a program with Monica that supported having fun, being playful and curious to help me access my deeper wisdom and guidance in every moment.

Laura West
Joyful Business

Copyright © 2021 Monica Kenton
Website developed by Theresa Kibler

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