Where Are You Losing Power in Your Business?

Have you ever noticed how the start of each new year feels slightly different than the previous one? You have new priorities, sense that things are different, and many times take new actions. This shift is energy and everyone experiences it. And those who are consciously aware can use it to their advantage in both their lives and business.

Energetically, 2015 is all about power, money, mastery, taking charge, leading, and taking action. Each year we experience a different energy or theme to the year. Last year many of you experienced more of an inward journey. It may have been challenging in your business and life. You became more crystal clear on what truly has meaning for you, and you might have restructured the way you do business.

When you are aware of the energy or theme of the year and work with it, you have power. When you honor and take action on your guidance then your life, ideas, and finances continue to flow.   When you ignore it, there are more challenges.

Since we are creatures of habit and have a tendency to act on subconscious beliefs, I will mention some of the challenges facing people right now that can affect you, and ultimately your business. When you are aware of them, you can shift them quickly.

Judgment: This is a big one lately. And the biggest one is judgment of self. It’s seen by not making the sales calls feeling you are bothering people.   It’s shortchanging your dreams. Second-guessing your intuition. Automatically assuming a potential client/customer would not be a fit based on something that was said, or misinterpreted. Looking at other people and making them wrong because they don’t think how you think.   When you let go of judgment your life will immediately shift, and so will your business.

Anger: This is seen with blaming, complaining, and shaming. All of these behaviors are actually a reflection of the person who is starting this whole cycle. And usually there is some type of anger within. They know something and are not acknowledging it.   Be extra careful of the words that you are saying to people. And remember; if you are on the receiving end of some of this….don’t take it personally.   Look at what is being said, and if there is truth to it, then admit it. If not, then move on. When anger is engaged, it is a force that continues to drag you down.

Fear: There is a common phrase that fear is the opposite of love. Where love is, fear can no longer reside. Which is true. But why is it happening? Many of you know at an intuitive, gut level the next thing you need to do in your life or business, and you may not be taking action on it. When that happens, fear has shown up to give you an excuse to stay small and stuck. Break through it. Get clear on what you want to really do in your business and life, and find the people that can help you create that reality.

Overwhelm: This is happening more around the concept of time, and never having enough of it.   This is always a wake up call to look at your priorities and how you are aligned with your life both practically and spiritually/energetically. What gets to shift? Are there new systems you get to implement? Do you need to have more boundaries? The key is to realize that overwhelm only hides the real issue.   Do you want more time with your family, and don’t know how to do it while running a business? Do issues of money constantly pop up at the most inconvenient moments? Be aware of all of these things, and then shift your relationship with time. You can do much more than you ever realized once you are in alignment with your values and your destiny.

Whenever you find yourself engaging any of the above behaviors, be aware of what really is happening. You are hiding from the true power of who you are. It is what the mind does as a way of “protecting” you from putting your talents and gifts out there in a big way.

Awareness is power.

When you consciously do not engage in the above behaviors, you step into your authentic power.   This is the place where you want to create new programs, enlist new clients, write your book, and much more.   When you come from a place of power in all of these areas, people feel the energy.

This is your year to consciously be the leader of both your life and your business. Do it in a powerful way.



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